Sex Bucuresti: VIP Professional Domina Gemma Stapana Profesionista VIP Gemma
VIP Professional Domina Gemma well educated and balanced. I can give you an amazing bdsm experience that can take you to the dark side and back in a safe way. I can offer both soft and hard domination. Very discrete location and flexible program. Available for traveling. Very good with beginners. 100 discrete. I also dominate couple and woman. Four star price. I prefer comunication on whatsapp or sms and i will call back if you write and need more details. No webcam or phone services. Not interested in personal servants. At the end of the session we all need to remember that we are normal people living in a real world. Stapana Profesionista VIP Gemma, bine educata si echilibrata. Iti pot oferi o experienta BDSM exceptionala ce te va duce in intuneric si inapoi in siguranta. Pot oferi atat dominare soft cat si hard, Locatie foarte discreta si program flexibil. Disponibila pentru deplasari. Foarte buna cu incepatorii. 100 discretie. De asemenea domin cupluri si femei. Pret de 4 stele. Prefer comunicarea pe whatsapp sau sms. Am sa sun inapoi daca doresti mai multe detalii. Nu ofer servicii la webcam sau telefon. Nu sunt interesata de servitori personali. La sfarsitul sedintei trebuie sa ne amintim cu totii ca suntem oameni normali intr-o lume reala.
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